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执行 git commit 时,使用 Emoji,可凸显提交信息,易于区分和查找提交历史

Commit 格式


:emoji:<type>(<scope>): <subject> 不超过 100 个字的摘要,首字母小写,使用祈使语气,句末不加标点

常用 Emoji

🎉 (庆祝):tada:初始化提交Initial commit
✨ (火花):sparkles:添加新特性Introducing new features
🔖 (书签):bookmark:发行 / 版本标签Releasing / Version tags
🐛 (bug):bug:修复 bugFixing a bug
🚑 (急救车):ambulance:核心代码修复Critical hotfix
🌐 (地球):globe_with_meridians:国际化与本地化Internationalization and localization
💄 (口红):lipstick:更新界面和样式文件Adding or updating the UI and style files
🎬 (场记板):clapper:更新演示 / 示例Update demo / example
🚨 (警车灯):rotating_light:移除警告信息Removing linter warnings
🔧 (扳手):wrench:修改配置文件Changing configuration files
➕ (加号):heavy_plus_sign:添加依赖Adding a dependency
➖ (减号):heavy_minus_sign:移除依赖Removing a dependency
⬆️ (上升箭头):arrow_up:升级依赖Upgrading dependencies
⬇️ (下降箭头):arrow_down:依赖降级Downgrading dependencies
⚡️ (闪电)
🐎 (赛马)
提升性能Improving performance
📈 (上升趋势图):chart_with_upwards_trend:添加代码跟踪分析Adding or updating analytics or tracking code
🚀 (火箭):rocket:部署程序Deploying stuff
✅ (白色复选框):white_check_mark:添加测试代码Adding or updating tests
📝 (备忘录):memo:撰写文档Writing docs
🔨 (锤子):hammer:重大重构Major refactoring
🎨 (调色板):art:改进代码结构 / 代码格式Improving structure / format of the code
🔥 (火焰):fire:移除代码或文件Removing code or files
✏️ (铅笔):pencil2:修复拼写错误Fixing typos
🚧 (施工):construction:正在进行中Work in progress
👷 (工人):construction_worker:添加 CI 构建到系统Adding or updating CI build system
💚 (绿心):green_heart:修复 CI 构建Fixing CI Build
🔒 (锁):lock:修复安全问题Fixing security issues
🐳 (鲸鱼):whale:Docker 相关工作Work about Docker
🍎 (苹果):apple:修复 macOS 下的问题Fixing something on macOS
🐧 (企鹅):penguin:修复 Linux 下的问题Fixing something on Linux
🏁 (旗帜):checked_flag:修复 Windows 下的问题Fixing something on Windows
🤖 (机器人):robot:修复 Android 平台的问题Fixing something on Android
🍏 (青苹果):green_apple:修复 iOS 平台的问题Fixing something on iOS
💩 (一坨):hankey:改进垃圾代码Writing bad code that needs to be improved
⏪ (倒带):rewind:恢复修改Reverting changes
🔀 (上下扭曲):twisted_rightwards_arrows:合并分支Merging branches
📦 (包):package:更新已编译的文件或包Adding or updating compiled files or packages
👽 (外星人):alien:由于外部 API 更改而更新代码Updating code due to external API changes
🚚 (卡车):truck:移动或重命名文件Moving or renaming files
📄 (页面):page_facing_up:添加或更新许可证Adding or updating license
💥 (爆炸):boom:引入重大变化Introducing breaking changes
🍱 (便当):bento:增加或更新资源文件Adding or updating assets
👌 (OK 手势):ok_hand:更新代码,因为代码审核变更Updating code due to code review changes.
♿️ (轮椅):wheelchair:提高可访问性Improving accessibility
💡 (灯泡):bulb:添加源码注释Adding or updating comments in source code
🍻 (啤酒):beers:醉酒写代码Writing code drunkenly
💬 (语音气泡):speech_balloon:更新文本和字面量Adding or updating text and literals
🗃 (文件盒):card_file_box:执行数据库相关的变化Performing database related changes
🔊 (喇叭):loud_sound:添加日志记录Adding or updating logs
🔇 (静音):mute:删除日志记录Removing logs
👥 (合作):busts_in_silhouette:添加贡献者Adding or updating contributor(s)
🚸 (儿童过马路):children_crossing:提高用户体验 / 可用性Improving user experience / usability
🏗 (建筑施工):building_construction:架构调整Making architectural changes
📱 (苹果手机):iphone:响应式设计Working on responsive design
🤡 (小丑脸):clown_face:模拟数据Mocking things
🥚 (蛋):egg:添加一个彩蛋Adding or updating an easter egg
🙈 (看不到):see_no_evil:添加或更新 .gitignore 文件Adding or updating a .gitignore file
📸 (相机闪光灯):camera_flash:添加或更新快照Adding or updating snapshots
📌 (图钉):pushpin:将依赖项固定到特定版本Pinning dependencies to specific versions
♻️ (回收):recycle:重构代码Refactoring code
⚗ (相互反应):alembic:尝试新事物Experimenting new things
🔍 (过滤):mag:改善SEOImproving SEO
☸️ (佛法之轮):wheel_of_dharma:关于 Kubernetes 的工作Work about Kubernetes
🏷️ (标签):label:添加或更新类型Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript)
🌱 (幼苗):seedling:添加或更新数据填充文件Adding or updating seed files
🚩 (三角旗):triangular_flag_on_post:添加,更新或删除功能标志Adding, updating, or removing feature flags
🥅 (目标网):goal_net:捕获异常Catching errors
💫 (眩晕):dizzy:添加或更新动画和过渡Adding or updating animations and transitions
🗑 (废纸篓):wastebasket:弃用需要清除的代码Deprecating code that needs to be cleaned up

Released under the MIT License.